AmiBroker helps you make stock trading decisions by graphing historical price and volume data. AmiBroker has all of the major features you need to look after your stock portfolio, including a formula language to build custom chart indicators, quickly search large databases for a select few to study more closely, a portfolio manager and much more.
Without good data and an easy way to import it, you won't get far doing technical analysis.
Featuring End-of-Day and Real-Time charting and analysis, equity function, unique composite indicators, intraday backtesting, position sizing, multiple-security optimisation and more!
All the most popular studies and indicators are built-in, including: candlesticks, moving averages, Bollinger bands, trend lines, Fibonacci retracements and timezones, comparative relative strength, parabolic stop-and-reverse, directional movement, MACD, ROC, RSI, Stochastics, Ultimate, TRIX, CCI, MFI, TRIN, NVI and more.
I have been using Amibroker for last 4 years,And frankly never got tempted to try any other
Charting platform.Amibroker serves me well.
Today I will share few tips and tricks to use Amibroker efficiently.
First and foremost ,What a trader requires ?
The more the screen space for plotting chart the better it would be .
So when in live market tracking stocks its a good practice to keep all stocks ready on tab
and run through them during market hours.
Hers my Amibroker screenshot.
things from the Amibroker pane.
Also the Pre analyzed stocks are up front in tabs.
Here's one more simple trick to compare two charts in one frame
Comparing two symbols on one chart
How to customize price chart
Hope this helps new bees to understand Amibroker in a better way