Tuesday, June 29, 2010

>INSIDER TRADING 29-06-10(Tata sons bought Voltas)

Scrip Code Company Name of Acquirer / Seller Transaction Date Buy /Sale No.of Shares Transacted Holding after Transaction
Quantity % Quantity %
532929 Brigade Enterprises Ltd Amar Mysore 08/06/2010 S 15340
532801 Cambridge Technology Enterprises Ltd Bhaskar C Panigrahi 01/06/2010 B 116400
1174383 7.42 #
531489 CG Vak Software & Exports Ltd G Suresh 22/03/2010 - 17/05/2010 B 26903
721554 14.26 #
532339 Compucom Software Ltd Compucom Technologies Pvt Ltd -- B 13810 0.28 5604889 11.15 #
500124 Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd Dr. Omkar Goswami 01/06/2010 B 3000
500124 Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd Ms.Kalpana Morparia 01/06/2010 B 3000
500124 Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd Prabir Jha 07/06/2010 S 2000
500124 Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd Ravi Bhoothalingam 01/06/2010 B 3000
500124 Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd Umang Vohra 03/06/2010 S 1000
532938 Future Capital Holdings Ltd Sameer Sain 02/06/2010 S 125878
7402512 11.64 #
532938 Future Capital Holdings Ltd Sameer Sain & Pingaksh Realty Pvt Ltd 02/06/2010 S 193150 0.30 0 0.00 #
531301 High Street Filatex Ltd Neeta Sethia 05/06/2010 S 165000
948100 14.65 #
524648 Indo Amines Ltd Unigroup Resources Pvt Ltd 01/06/2010 B 212500 2.41 596480
532514 Indraprastha Gas Ltd Rajesh Vedvyas 25/05/2010 B 2400 0.02 2400 0.02 #
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Arun Nagarajan 31/05/2010 B 1830
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd C Jayaram 31/05/2010 B 13750
316000 0.09 #
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Devang Gheewalla 31/05/2010 B 4150
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Jaimin Mukund Bhatt 31/05/2010 B 5136
231734 0.06 #
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Mahan Narayan Shenoi 31/05/2010 B 9136
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Mahesh Balasubramanian 31/05/2010 B 2828
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Mukesh Pande 31/05/2010 B 1378
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Shalini Mehta 31/05/2010 B 2966
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Shanti Ekambaram 31/05/2010 B 11800
229959 0.06 #
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Srinivas Vaman Gollapudi 31/05/2010 B 1585
500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Zuber Kazi 31/05/2010 B 1500
500257 Lupin Ltd Anil Kumar Mathur 04/06/2010 S 200
500257 Lupin Ltd Krishan Chandra Sharma 09/06/2010 B 1950
4050 0.00 *
500257 Lupin Ltd Vijaykumar A Kothiwale 09/06/2010 B 500
1255 0.00 *
531213 Manappuram General Finance & Leasing Ltd V P Nandakumar 08/06/2010 B 21324
126665988 37.21 #
506261 Modison Metals Ltd Bibhuti Bhushan Singh --

526299 Mphasis Ltd Baring India Investments Ltd, PCC 16/04/2010 - 31/05/2010 S 3644056 1.74 4271872 2.04 #
526299 Mphasis Ltd Baring India Pvt Equity Fund III Listed Investments Ltd 16/04/2010 S 249967 0.12 8654363 4.13 #
532541 NIIT Technologies Ltd Arvind Mehrotra 28/05/2010 B 5000
9570 0.16 #
532541 NIIT Technologies Ltd Harish Kumar Sharma 28/05/2010 B 6600 0.01 6600 0.01 #
532541 NIIT Technologies Ltd Harita Gupta 23/04/2010 B 3900
8700 0.01 #
532541 NIIT Technologies Ltd Harita Gupta 28/05/2010 B 3600
12300 0.02 #
532541 NIIT Technologies Ltd Rajesh C Mathur 28/05/2010 B 10500
10590 0.01 #
500307 Nirlon Ltd Mrs Mallika V Advani 02/06/2010 B 3000
167565 0.29 #
500307 Nirlon Ltd Mrs Mallika V Advani 03/06/2010 B 3738
171303 0.29 #
500307 Nirlon Ltd Mrs Mallika V Advani 04/06/2010 B 120
171423 0.29 #
500307 Nirlon Ltd Mrs Mallika V Advani 07/06/2010 B 3857
175280 0.30 #
500307 Nirlon Ltd Mrs Mallika V Advani 30/04/2010 S 2500
164565 0.28 #
532718 Pratibha Industries Ltd Rohit R Katyal 04/06/2010 S 1500
24450 0.15 #
522175 Shiv-Vani Oil & Gas Exploration Services Ltd T R S Technology Pvt Ltd 02/06/2010 B 4300 0.00 439564 0.95 #
522175 Shiv-Vani Oil & Gas Exploration Services Ltd T R S Technology Pvt Ltd 02/06/2010 B 4500 0.00 435264 0.94 #
532419 Smartlink Network Systems Ltd Nitin Kunkolienker 03/06/2010 S 11181
1067267 3.55 *
532419 Smartlink Network Systems Ltd Nitin Kunkolienker 04/06/2010 S 188755
878512 2.93 *
532419 Smartlink Network Systems Ltd Nitin Kunkolienker 07/06/2010 S 85000
793512 2.64 *
523363 Sterling Holiday Resorts India Ltd K Chandrasekaran 01/06/2010 S 61
550767 1.20 *
523363 Sterling Holiday Resorts India Ltd K Chandrasekaran 01/06/2010 S 61
550767 1.20 *
500422 Transchem Ltd Grandeur Corporation Pvt Ltd 31/05/2010 - 04/06/2010 B 4881 0.04 58715 0.48 #
511110 V B Desai Financial Services Ltd Mrs. Archana Manoj Shroff 03/06/2010 S 1600
300 0.00 #
532721 Visa Steel Ltd VISA Infrastructure Ltd 07/06/2010 B 100000 0.09 56512167 51.37 #
500575 Voltas Ltd Tata Sons Ltd 07/05/2010 - 03/06/2010 B 6618858 2.00


509053 BANAS FINANCE LTD. Girraj Kishor Agrawal 31/05/2010 Acq 43500 14.50 43500 14.50 *
530495 CHHATTISGARH INDUSTRIES LTD. Prism Impex Pvt Ltd 02/06/2010 Acq 472478 6.31 822478 10.98 *
532339 COMPUCOM SOFTWARE LTD. Compucom Technologies Pvt Ltd 07/06/2010 Acq 13810 0.28 5604889 11.15 #
511072 DEWAN HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION LTD. Emerging Markets Management, LLC 02/06/2010 Acq 4682000 4.51 5752003 5.81 *
532938 FUTURE CAPITAL HOLDINGS LTD. Pingaksh Realty Pvt Ltd & Sameer Sain 02/06/2010 Sale 319028 0.50 7402512 11.64 #
532318 GEMINI COMMUNICATION LTD. R Vijaykumar 28/05/2010 Acq 177148 0.18 25077481 25.04 *
531301 HIGH STREET FILATEX LTD. Neeta Sethia 05/06/2010 Sale 165000 2.55 948100 14.65 #
531301 HIGH STREET FILATEX LTD. Techmech Steel Pvt Ltd 05/06/2010 Acq 325000 5.02 325000 5.02 #
524648 INDO AMINES LTD. Unigroup Resources Pvt Ltd 01/06/2010 Acq 212500 2.41 596480 6.76 #
526604 LIPPI SYSTEMS LTD. Kunal Nandlal Agrawal 03/06/2010 Acq 8000 0.11 347960 4.97 #
526299 MPHASIS LTD. Baring India Pvt Equity Fund III Listed Investments Ltd & Baring India Investments Ltd, PCC 16/04/2010 - 31/05/2010 Sale 3894023 1.86 12926235 6.16 #
500192 PRAG BOSIMI SYNTHETICS LTD. Mrs. Devila H Vyas 02/06/2010 Acq 5500 0.00 5238110 7.04 #
500192 PRAG BOSIMI SYNTHETICS LTD. Mrs. Devila H Vyas 03/06/2010 Acq 5061 0.00 5243171 7.05 #
500192 PRAG BOSIMI SYNTHETICS LTD. Mrs. Devila H Vyas 03/06/2010 Acq 5061 0.00 5243171 7.05 *
526662 RAJDARSHAN INDUSTRIES LTD. Ashok Doshi 31/05/2010 Acq 2597 0.08 759920 24.44 *
522175 SHIV-VANI OIL & GAS EXPLORATION SERVICES LTD. T R S Technology Pvt Ltd 02/06/2010 Acq 8800 0.02 439564 0.95 #
522175 SHIV-VANI OIL & GAS EXPLORATION SERVICES LTD. T R S Technology Pvt Ltd 02/06/2010 Acq 8800 0.02 439564 0.95 *
511411 SHRISTI INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. Adishakti Retail Ltd & PACs 07/06/2010 Acq 1502 0.00 10878294 49.00 *
526133 SUPERTEX INDUSTRIES LTD. Super Infincon Pvt Ltd 31/05/2010 - 02/06/2010 Sale 2686583 2.37 28008536 24.69 *
500422 TRANSCHEM LTD. Grandeur Corporation Pvt Ltd & PACs 31/05/2010 - 04/06/2010 Acq 4881 0.04 58715 0.48 #
500422 TRANSCHEM LTD. Grandeur Corporation Pvt Ltd & PACs 31/05/2010 - 04/06/2010 Acq 4881 0.04 58715 0.48 *
505854 TRF LTD. Tata Steel Ltd 09/06/2010 Sale 241200 2.19 3585428 32.58 *
500575 VOLTAS LTD. Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Ltd 12/06/2003 - 03/06/2010 Acq 1698000 0.51

500575 VOLTAS LTD. Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Ltd 12/06/2003 - 03/06/2010 Sale 600825 0.18 1097175 0.33 #
500575 VOLTAS LTD. Tata Investment Corporation Ltd 12/06/2003 - 03/06/2010 Acq 50000 0.02

500575 VOLTAS LTD. Tata Investment Corporation Ltd 12/06/2003 - 03/06/2010 Sale 3472740 1.05 9462330 2.86 #
500575 VOLTAS LTD. Tata Sons Ltd 12/06/2003 - 03/06/2010 Acq 6618658 2.00 85350438 25.79 #


Monday, June 28, 2010


Scrip Code Company Name of Acquirer / Seller Transaction Date Buy /Sale No.of Shares Transacted Holding after Transaction
Quantity % Quantity %
532351 Aksh Optifibre Ltd Dr. Kailash S Choudhari 24/04/2010 S 331000
4017025 6.09 *
532351 Aksh Optifibre Ltd Dr. Kailash S Choudhari 28/05/2010 S 247198
3769827 5.71 *
532351 Aksh Optifibre Ltd Dr. Kailash S Choudhari 28/05/2010 S 247198
3769827 5.71 #
531978 Ambika Cotton Mills Ltd P V Chandran 03/06/2010 B 10499
97000 1.65 #
531978 Ambika Cotton Mills Ltd P V Chandran 05/06/2010 B 3000
100000 1.70 #
500012 Andhra Petrochemicals Ltd Andhra Sugars Ltd 07/06/2010 B 53355 0.06 24627213 28.97 #
532259 Apar Industries Ltd F B Virani 03/06/2010 S 700
6000 0.01 *
532259 Apar Industries Ltd F B Virani 04/06/2010 S 700
6000 0.01 #
532797 Autoline Industries Ltd M Radhakrishnan 05/06/2010 B 3100
59153 0.48 #
532797 Autoline Industries Ltd M Radhakrishnan 05/06/2010 B 3200
56053 0.45 #
532797 Autoline Industries Ltd M Radhakrishnan 08/06/2010 B 2000
61153 0.50 #
532215 AXIS Bank Ltd M M Agrawal 28/05/2010 S 10000
5695 0.00 #
532215 AXIS Bank Ltd M M Agrawal 28/05/2010 S 10000
5695 0.00 *
509423 Bakelite Hylam Ltd Avaya Holdings & Trading Pvt Ltd 25/05/2010 S 1695450 53.82 0 0.00 #
509423 Bakelite Hylam Ltd Mountain Holdings & Trading Pvt Ltd 25/05/2010 S 297133 9.43 0 0.00 #
509423 Bakelite Hylam Ltd Paraswanath Residential Paradise Pvt Ltd 25/05/2010 B 2390837 75.90 2834528 89.99 #
531590 Bilpower Ltd Choudhary Global Ltd 01/06/2010 B 4311 0.04 853558 8.12 #
531590 Bilpower Ltd Choudhary Global Ltd 01/06/2010 B 6000 0.05 849247 8.08 #
531590 Bilpower Ltd Choudhary Global Ltd 03/06/2010 B 20
853578 8.12 #
531590 Bilpower Ltd Choudhary Global Ltd 03/06/2010 B 995 0.00 854573 8.13 #
531590 Bilpower Ltd Choudhary Global Ltd 04/06/2010 B 2156 0.02 860329 8.19 #
531590 Bilpower Ltd Choudhary Global Ltd 04/06/2010 B 3600 0.03 858173 8.17 #
513375 Carborundum Universal Ltd Sridhar Ganesh 04/06/2010 B 6768
513375 Carborundum Universal Ltd Sridhar Ganesh 04/06/2010 B 6768
526917 CHD Developers Ltd Vishal Rajpal 01/06/2010 S 68620
63396 0.00 #
526917 CHD Developers Ltd Vishal Rajpal 02/06/2010 S 49453
13943 0.00 #
526917 CHD Developers Ltd Vishal Rajpal 03/06/2010 S 13943 0.00 0 0.00 #
506395 Coromandel International Ltd V Ravichandran 07/06/2000 - 07/06/2010 S 7564 0.00

506395 Coromandel International Ltd V Ravichandran 07/06/2010 S 7564

500096 Dabur India Ltd Ambati Sudhakar 02/06/2010 S 1106
235248 0.02 #
500096 Dabur India Ltd Ambati Sudhakar 03/06/2010 S 2215
500096 Dabur India Ltd Ambati Sudhakar 03/06/2010 S 2215
233033 0.02 #
500096 Dabur India Ltd Ambati Sudhakar 04/06/2010 S 2500
500096 Dabur India Ltd Ambati Sudhakar 04/06/2010 S 2500
230533 0.02 #
500096 Dabur India Ltd Devendra Garg 04/06/2010 S 2600
481582 0.05 #
500096 Dabur India Ltd Devendra Garg 07/06/2010 S 2500
479082 0.05 #
500096 Dabur India Ltd Sunil Duggal 04/06/2010 S 20000
1538426 0.17 #
500096 Dabur India Ltd Sunil Duggal 04/06/2010 S 20000 0.00 1538426 0.18 *
500096 Dabur India Ltd Sunil Duggal 07/06/2010 S 8345
1530081 0.17 #
500096 Dabur India Ltd Sunil Duggal 07/06/2010 S 8345
1530081 0.18 *
500096 Dabur India Ltd Sunil Duggal 08/06/2010 S 50000
1480081 0.17 #
500096 Dabur India Ltd Sunil Duggal 08/06/2010 S 50000
1480081 0.18 *
511072 Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd Emerging Markets Management, LLC 02/06/2010 B 4682000 4.73 5752003 5.81 #
532696 Educomp Solutions Ltd Sonjoy Mohanty --

532631 Fame India Ltd Prasanna D Majrekar 29/05/2010 B 34350
532631 Fame India Ltd Rishi Negi 04/06/2010 S 33585
532631 Fame India Ltd Rishi Negi 29/05/2010 B 33585
532666 FCS Software Solutions Ltd Dalip Kumar 03/06/2010 S 5000000 0.48 160790060 15.61 #
532938 Future Capital Holdings Ltd Sameer Sain 02/06/2010 S 125878
7402512 11.64 *
532938 Future Capital Holdings Ltd Sameer Sain & Pingaksh Realty Pvt Ltd 02/06/2010 S 193150 0.30 0 0.00 *
513361 India Steel Works Ltd Ashwin Gupta 28/05/2010 B 487750
4413750 2.16 #
513361 India Steel Works Ltd Sudhir Gupta 28/05/2010 B 487750
4287750 2.10 #
532658 Indo Asian Fusegear Ltd PKR Hitech Industrial Corporation LLP 07/06/2010 B 2648 0.02 2266726 14.07 #
532658 Indo Asian Fusegear Ltd VPM Industrial Services Corporation LLP 07/06/2010 S 2648 0.02 696182 4.32 #
533154 Infinite Computer Solutions (India) Ltd Upinder Zutshi 08/06/2010 B 2915
1684689 3.83 #
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Mrs. Archana Sharma 04/06/2010 B 10000
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Mrs. Archana Sharma 04/06/2010 B 10000
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Sunil Joshi 04/06/2010 S 10000
2225000 0.10 #
532627 Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd Mrs. Archana Sharma 04/06/2010 B 20000
530019 Jubilant Organosys Ltd Jag Mohan Khanna 04/06/2010 S 10000
530019 Jubilant Organosys Ltd Jag Mohan Khanna 04/06/2010 S 10000
502937 Kesoram Industries Ltd ECE Industries Ltd 01/06/2010 S 1300 0.00 207000 0.45 #
502937 Kesoram Industries Ltd ECE Industries Ltd 03/06/2010 S 12000 0.02 195000 0.43 #
500256 Lok Housing & Constructions Ltd Saturn Trading Pvt Ltd -- B 1666600 3.74 1670800 3.75 #
500257 Lupin Ltd Anil K Mathur 04/06/2010 S 200
500257 Lupin Ltd Anil Kumar Mathur 31/05/2010 S 100
1192 0.00 #
500520 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd Nadir B Godrej 01/06/2010 S 5000
353884 0.06 #
500520 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd Nadir B Godrej 07/06/2010 S 1000
352884 0.06 *
500520 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd Nadir B Godrej 08/06/2010 S 2000
350884 0.06 *
531213 Manappuram General Finance & Leasing Ltd V P Nandakumar 05/06/2010 B 1105094
126644664 37.20 #
526235 Mercator Lines Ltd Anil Khanna 02/06/2010 - 03/06/2010 S 4000
526642 Mirza International Ltd Irshad Mirza 04/06/2010 B 49800
7098475 7.66 #
532798 Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd R D S Bawa 08/06/2010 S 19000
35444 0.03 *
532798 Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd R D S Bawa 08/06/2010 S 19000
35444 0.03 #
526570 Nova Granites India Ltd IDBI Bank Ltd 08/06/2010 S 300000 9.17 0 0.00 #
532466 Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd Bharat Mehta 14/05/2010 S 750
500314 Oriental Hotels Ltd Dodla Subba Rama Reddy 26/05/2010 - 07/06/2010 B 3398
3441 0.02 *
500314 Oriental Hotels Ltd Dodla Subba Rama Reddy 26/05/2010 - 07/06/2010 B 3398 0.02 3441 0.02 #
524808 Phyto Chem India Ltd Y Janakiramaiah 25/05/2010 B 39650 0.92 49150 1.14 #
532810 Power Finance Corporation Ltd Ashok Gupta 12/05/2010 - 17/05/2010 S 1800
532810 Power Finance Corporation Ltd Ashok Gupta 12/05/2010 - 17/05/2010 S 1800
532810 Power Finance Corporation Ltd Hari Shankar Jha 31/05/2010 S 1800
531802 Prerna Infrabuild Ltd Chandulal Varia HUF 02/06/2010 S 31890
763509 12.57 #
531802 Prerna Infrabuild Ltd Chandulal Varia HUF 03/06/2010 S 3000
760509 12.52 #
503873 Priyadarshini Spinning Mills Ltd Harish Cherukuri 07/06/2010 B 25000
1697166 15.30 #
506618 Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Ltd Hem-Sil Trading & Manufacturing Pvt Ltd 04/06/2010 B 5000 0.07 1941753 27.00 #
506618 Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Ltd Rupam Shroff 31/05/2010 B 511
183291 2.54 #
506618 Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Ltd Shalil Shroff 31/05/2010 B 3500 0.04 380581
532805 Redington (India) Ltd M Raghunandan 03/06/2010 S 4795
65215 0.08 #
526407 Ritesh Properties & Industries Ltd Ritesh Spinning Mills Ltd 01/06/2010 B 30000 0.26 378083 3.26 #
526407 Ritesh Properties & Industries Ltd Ritesh Spinning Mills Ltd 04/06/2010 B 29850 0.26 407933 3.52 #
511754 Shalibhadra Finance Ltd Minesh M Doshi 01/06/2010 S 10500 0.21 347300 6.94 #
511754 Shalibhadra Finance Ltd Mrs. Sheetal M Doshi 01/06/2010 S 9500 0.19 992172 19.83 #
522175 Shiv-Vani Oil & Gas Exploration Services Ltd Rohan Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd 04/06/2010 B 50100 0.11 1003772 2.17 #
522175 Shiv-Vani Oil & Gas Exploration Services Ltd T R S Technology Pvt Ltd 04/06/2010 B 50200 0.11 540874 1.17 #
522175 Shiv-Vani Oil & Gas Exploration Services Ltd TRS Technology Pvt Ltd 07/06/2010 B 26000
566874 1.22 #
522175 Shiv-Vani Oil & Gas Exploration Services Ltd TRS Technology Pvt Ltd 07/06/2010 B 26000
592874 1.28 #
532793 Shree Ashtavinayak Cine Vision Ltd Dhilin H Mehta 03/06/2010 S 1665500 0.20 79672500 9.99 #
526981 Shri Bajrang Alloys Ltd Anand Goel 04/06/2010 B 8750
324835 3.60 #
532419 Smartlink Network Systems Ltd K R Naik 03/06/2010 - 04/06/2010 B 95600
13613439 45.37 #
532419 Smartlink Network Systems Ltd K R Naik 07/06/2010 - 08/06/2010 B 173000
13786439 45.95 *
532419 Smartlink Network Systems Ltd Nitin Kunkolienker 04/06/2010 S 188755
878512 2.93 #
523363 Sterling Holiday Resorts India Ltd K Chandrasekaran 01/06/2010 S 35000
515767 1.12 #
523363 Sterling Holiday Resorts India Ltd K Chandrasekaran 01/06/2010 S 61
550767 1.20 #
526133 Supertex Industries Ltd Super Infincon Pvt Ltd -- S 2686583 2.37 28008536 24.69 #
532299 Television Eighteen India Ltd R D S Bawa 08/06/2010 S 11000
2356 0.00 #
532299 Television Eighteen India Ltd R D S Bawa 08/06/2010 S 11000
2356 0.00 *
531814 Tirupati Sarjan Ltd Jasmin Jashvantkumar Patel 20/05/2010 S 10000
10900 0.18 #
532928 Transformers and Rectifiers (India) Ltd Samkit Mehta 01/05/2010 - 05/06/2010 S 1285
532619 UTV Software Communications Ltd Amit Banka 04/06/2010 B 2000
520113 Vesuvius India Ltd Biswadip Gupta 12/05/2010 B 416

532824 Vijayeswari Textiles Ltd Seshraj Enterprises Pvt Ltd 08/06/2010 B 14000 0.07 7746474 42.63 #
514470 Winsome Textile Industries Ltd Kailashpati Vinimay Pvt Ltd -- B 150000 0.11 23372680
514470 Winsome Textile Industries Ltd Kailashpati Vinimay Pvt Ltd -- B 50000 0.04 23422680