Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Scrip Code Company Name of Acquirer / Seller Transaction Date Buy /Sale No.of Shares Transacted Holding after Transaction
Quantity % Quantity %
532858 Decolight Ceramics Ltd Artiben J Pethapara -- S 375000 2.05 119990 0.65 #
532858 Decolight Ceramics Ltd Hansaben G Pethapara -- S 525000 2.86 5700 0.03 #
532696 Educomp Solutions Ltd M S Venkatesh 21/12/2009 - 23/12/2009 S 2100

532696 Educomp Solutions Ltd M S Venkatesh 21/12/2009 - 23/12/2009 S 2100 0.00

509550 Gammon India Ltd Sundaram BNP Paribas Mutual Fund 17/12/2009 B 2060000 1.32 6020611 5.00 #
532959 Gammon Infrastructure Projects Ltd Parvez Umrigar 21/12/2009 B 2500000 0.36 2500000 0.36 #
513059 GS Auto International Ltd M R Italian Chains Ltd 18/12/2009 S 1100000 13.75

513059 GS Auto International Ltd Ritu Mercantiles Pvt Ltd 18/12/2009 B 1100000 13.75 1100000 13.75 #
532281 HCL Technologies Ltd Ajai Chowdhry 17/12/2009 S 50000
725928 0.11 *
500010 Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd Bimal Jalan 23/12/2009 - 24/12/2009 B 2855

500010 Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd Bimal Jalan 23/12/2009 - 24/12/2009 B 2855

500010 Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd Bimal Jalan 23/12/2009 - 24/12/2009 S 2855

500010 Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd Bimal Jalan 23/12/2009 - 24/12/2009 S 2855

500010 Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd Life Insurance Corporation of India 21/12/2009 B 326481 0.11 14471353 5.06 #
532636 India Infoline Ltd Venkataraman Rajamani 23/12/2009 B 40000
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Harish K Vaid 22/12/2009 B 29146
87438 0.00 *
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Jaiprakash Gaur 22/12/2009 B 91821
275464 0.01 *
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd K L Bheeshmachar 21/12/2009 B 17086
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd M S Srivastava 22/12/2009 B 28513
85540 0.00 *
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Mahesh Jindal 22/12/2009 B 4563
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Manoj Gaur 22/12/2009 B 37300
111900 0.01 *
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Pankaj Gaur 22/12/2009 B 52250
156750 0.01 *
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd R D Sharma 22/12/2009 B 7563
22690 0.00 *
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Rahul Kumar 22/12/2009 B 50250
150750 0.00 *
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd S D Naliwal 21/12/2009 B 21979
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd S K Bansal 21/12/2009 B 33826
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Shailendra Gupta 22/12/2009 B 7500
22500 0.00 *
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd Sunny Gaur 22/12/2009 B 79348
238045 0.01 *
532532 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd T D Joshi 22/12/2009 B 22885
68655 0.30 *
523411 KRONE Communications Ltd ADC GmbH 17/12/2009 B 939 0.02 2955757 64.25 #
532819 MindTree Ltd J Franco 21/12/2009 S 200
3700 0.01 #
532819 MindTree Ltd K Vijayakumar 22/12/2009 S 4000
658 0.00 #
532819 MindTree Ltd Rostow Ravanan 22/12/2009 - 24/12/2009 S 500
400471 1.02 #
513023 Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd V9 Avenues Pvt Ltd 22/12/2009 - 23/12/2009 S 37929
1062071 1.40 *
513023 Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd V9 Avenues Pvt Ltd 22/12/2009 - 23/12/2009 S 37929
1062071 1.40 #
590057 Northgate Technologies Ltd Swiss Finance Corporation (Mauritius) Ltd 21/12/2009 S 494733 1.41 1462422 4.18 #
532827 Page Industries Ltd Nari Genomal 22/12/2009 S 1700
2303910 20.65 #
532827 Page Industries Ltd Ramesh Genomal 22/12/2009 S 1706
2303904 20.65 #
532827 Page Industries Ltd Sunder Genomal 22/12/2009 S 1367
2304183 20.65 #
531816 Panoramic Universal Ltd Dnyanaraj Moravekar --

531273 Radhe Developers India Ltd Ashish P Patel 17/10/2009 S 125962
21512850 8.54 #
531273 Radhe Developers India Ltd Ashish P Patel 26/10/2009 S 170000
21342850 8.48 #
531273 Radhe Developers India Ltd Madhuben P Patel 06/11/2009 S 290305
6941188 2.76 #
531273 Radhe Developers India Ltd Madhuben P Patel 10/11/2009 S 250000
5921188 2.35 #
509020 Ruchi Infrastructure Ltd Dinesh Shahra (As Trustee of Shiva Foundation) 23/12/2009 S 500000
4005610 1.97 *
509020 Ruchi Infrastructure Ltd Dinesh Shahra (As Trustee of Shiva Foundation) 24/12/2009 S 500000
3505610 1.72 *
505650 Skyline Millars Ltd Shlipin Tater --

530199 Themis Medicare Ltd Dr. Dinesh S Patel 23/12/2009 B 200
406995 5.06 #
532298 Zenith Infotech Ltd Devita Saraf -- B 91533 0.72 475033 3.74 #
504067 Zensar Technologies Ltd Dr. Ganesh Natrajan 23/12/2009 S 15000
313673 1.31 *

524208 AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD. Alchemie Leasing & financing Pvt Ltd 20/12/2009 Acq 500000 0.65 4176800 5.44 #
524208 AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD. Alchemie Leasing & Financing Pvt Ltd 20/12/2009 Acq 500000 0.65 4176800 5.44 *
524208 AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD. Alchemie Leasing & Financing Pvt Ltd & PACs 20/12/2009 Acq 2876000 3.75 38091835 49.65 #
524208 AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD. Alchemie Leasing & Financing Pvt Ltd & PACs 20/12/2009 Acq 2876000 3.75 38091835 49.65 *
524208 AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD. Gogri & Sons Investments Pvt Ltd with other promotes 20/12/2009 Acq 2876000 3.75 38091835 49.65 #
524208 AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD. Gogri & Sons Investment Pvt Ltd 20/12/2009 Acq 700000 0.91 4441650 5.79 #
524208 AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD. Gogri & Sons Investment Pvt Ltd 20/12/2009 Acq 700000 0.91 4441650 5.79 *
524208 AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD. Gogri & Sons Investment Pvt Ltd & PACs 20/12/2009 Acq 2876000 3.75 38091835 49.65 *
526923 ASHOK ORGANIC INDUSTRIES LTD. Pankaj Manilal Kadakia 11/01/2010 Acq 9642600
10584850 87.58 @
503940 ASIAN ELECTRONICS LTD. Shah Investments, Financials, Developments & Consultants Pvt Ltd 15/12/2009 Sale 97450 0.33 6656771 22.27 #
500139 FEDDERS LLOYD CORPORATION LTD. Rajul Estates Pvt Ltd 10/12/2009 Acq 20000 0.06 1552487 5.04 *
500141 FERRO ALLOYS CORPORATION LTD. Sunandadevi Yogesh Kumar Saraf 22/12/2009 Sale 50000 0.03 1706976 0.91 #
512219 FINAVENTURE CAPITAL LTD. Finaventure Advisory Services India Pvt Ltd 17/12/2009 Sale 750000 7.10 1790116 16.94 #
512219 FINAVENTURE CAPITAL LTD. Kannan Vishwanath 17/12/2009 Acq 750000 7.10 5549526 52.53 #
513059 G.S.AUTO INTERNATIONAL LTD. Ritu Mercantiles Pvt Ltd 18/12/2009 Acq 1100000 13.75 1100000 13.75 #
509550 GAMMON INDIA LTD. Sundaram BNP Paribas Mutual Fund 17/12/2009 Acq 2060000 1.32 6020611 5.00 #
500010 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORP.LTD. Life Insurance Corporation of India 21/12/2009 Acq 326481 0.11 14471353 5.06 #
532072 INTERWORLD DIGITAL LTD. Trilokchand Jain & PACs 15/12/2009 Acq 5972400 9.31 5972400 9.31 #
531892 KHANDWALA SECURITIES LTD. Bentley Investments Pvt. Ltd 08/12/2009 - 09/12/2009 Acq 5900 0.05 1135048 9.51 #
531892 KHANDWALA SECURITIES LTD. Bentley Investments Pvt. Ltd 08/12/2009 - 09/12/2009 Acq 5900 0.05 1135048 9.51 *
531892 KHANDWALA SECURITIES LTD. Bentley Investments Pvt Ltd 10/12/2009 Acq 2819 0.02 1137867 9.53 *
531892 KHANDWALA SECURITIES LTD. Bentley Investments Pvt. Ltd 10/12/2009 Acq 2819 0.02 1137867 9.53 #
531892 KHANDWALA SECURITIES LTD. Bentley Investment Pvt. Ltd 15/12/2009 - 16/12/2009 Acq 3744 0.03 1141611 9.56 #
531892 KHANDWALA SECURITIES LTD. Bentley Investments Pvt Ltd 15/12/2009 - 16/12/2009 Acq 3744 0.03 1141611 9.56 *
523411 KRONE COMMUNICATIONS LTD. ADC GmbH 17/12/2009 Acq 939 0.02 2955757 64.25 #
511585 REGENCY TRUST LTD. Sunil Kajaria & Others (HUF) 23/12/2009 Sale 50000 1.67 293400 9.78 *
530199 THEMIS MEDICARE LTD. Dr. Dinesh S Patel 23/12/2009 Acq 200 0.00 406995 5.06 #
530199 THEMIS MEDICARE LTD. Dr. Dinesh S Patel 23/12/2009 Acq 200 0.00 406995 5.06 *
532746 UNITY INFRAPROJECTS LTD. Sandstone Capital India Master Fund Ltd & Melchior Indian Opportunities Fund 22/12/2009 Acq 640000 4.32 1024100 6.91 #


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

>INSIDER TRADING 05-01-10(SBI Mutual fund bought TEXMACO)

Scrip Code Company Name of Acquirer / Seller Transaction Date Buy /Sale No.of Shares Transacted Holding after Transaction
Quantity % Quantity %
524208 Aarti Industries Ltd Alchemie Leasing & Financing Pvt Ltd 20/12/2009 B 500000 0.65

524208 Aarti Industries Ltd Chandrakant V Gogri 20/12/2009 B 275000
1728668 2.25 #
524208 Aarti Industries Ltd Chandrakant V Gogri 20/12/2009 B 275000
1728668 2.25 *
524208 Aarti Industries Ltd Manoj M Chheda 20/12/2009 B 150000
787753 1.03 #
524208 Aarti Industries Ltd Manoj M Chheda 20/12/2009 B 150000
787753 1.03 *
524208 Aarti Industries Ltd Rajendra V Gogri 20/12/2009 B 275000
2241644 2.92 #
524208 Aarti Industries Ltd Rajendra V Gogri 20/12/2009 B 275000
2241644 2.92 *
524208 Aarti Industries Ltd Shantilal T Shah 20/12/2009 B 250000
1729329 2.25 #
500425 Ambuja Cements Ltd Narendra P Ghuwalewala 29/12/2009 S 10000
521131 Anjani Fabrics Ltd Anjani Radheshyam Agarwal 30/12/2009 B 903791 9.51 903791 9.51 *
521131 Anjani Fabrics Ltd Radheshyam Tilokchand Agarwal 30/12/2009 S 1647358 17.34 0 0.00 *
527001 Ashapura Minechem Ltd Chetan N Shah 30/12/2009 B 950000
11343814 14.36 *
527001 Ashapura Minechem Ltd Chetan N Shah 30/12/2009 B 950000
11343814 14.36 #
532668 Aurionpro Solutions Ltd Paresh Zaveri 24/12/2009 B 25000
1551240 10.48 #
500039 Banco Products (India) Ltd Mehul K Patel 24/12/2009 B 3200 0.00 5349876 7.48 #
532123 BSEL Infrastructure Realty Ltd Western Bizcon Services Ltd 24/12/2009 S 259700 0.32 820000 0.99 #
532123 BSEL Infrastructure Realty Ltd Western Bizcon Services Ltd 29/12/2009 S 225000 0.27 595000 0.72 #
505242 Dynamatic Technologies Ltd Udayant Malhoutra & Co Pvt Ltd -- B 2500
688518 12.72 #
505242 Dynamatic Technologies Ltd Wavell Investments Pvt Ltd -- S 2500
532751 Easun Reyrolle Ltd K Balasubramanian & PACs 29/12/2009 B 50000 0.24 1221666
532751 Easun Reyrolle Ltd K Balasubramanian & PACs 30/12/2009 B 65000 0.31 1286666
532751 Easun Reyrolle Ltd K Balasubramanian & PACs 31/12/2009 B 65000 0.31 1351666
532696 Educomp Solutions Ltd Sangeeta Gulati 30/12/2009 S 6398
5602 0.00 #
532696 Educomp Solutions Ltd Sangeeta Gulati 30/12/2009 S 6398
5602 0.00 *
532768 Fiem Industries Ltd Rahul Jain 23/12/2009 B 16000
4151962 34.71 #
532768 Fiem Industries Ltd Rahul Jain 23/12/2009 B 16000
4151962 34.71 *
532809 Firstsource Solutions Ltd ICICI Bank Ltd -- S 13217817 3.08 92931782 21.66 #
532959 Gammon Infrastructure Projects Ltd AMIF Ltd 26/10/2009 - 24/12/2009 S 24676603 3.41 18441117 2.55 #
523477 Gujarat Gas Company Ltd GGCL Employee Welfare Stock Option Trust 21/12/2009 B 1194
1472996 1.15 #
523477 Gujarat Gas Company Ltd GGCL Employee Welfare Stock Option Trust 21/12/2009 B 8806
1471802 1.14 #
523477 Gujarat Gas Company Ltd GGCL Employee Welfare Stock Option Trust 22/12/2009 B 3092
1476644 1.15 #
523477 Gujarat Gas Company Ltd GGCL Employee Welfare Stock Option Trust 22/12/2009 B 556
1473552 1.15 #
500180 HDFC Bank Ltd Harish Engineer 26/12/2009 S 20000
90100 0.02 #
500193 Hotel Leelaventure Ltd Leela Lace Software Solutions Pvt Ltd -- B 14158
4305420 1.14 #
532636 India Infoline Ltd Ardent Impex Pvt Ltd 23/12/2009 B 64000
500257 Lupin Ltd Khushiram Gupta 18/12/2009 S 800
513269 Man Industries India Ltd JPA Holding P Ltd 22/12/2009 B 544
520672 0.97 #
513269 Man Industries India Ltd JPA Holding P Ltd 23/12/2009 B 434
521106 0.97 #
513269 Man Industries India Ltd Ramesh Mansukhani 22/12/2009 B 4279
3581213 6.72 #
513269 Man Industries India Ltd Ramesh Mansukhani 22/12/2009 B 5721
3586934 6.73 #
532127 Mobile Tele Communications Ltd Anil Vedmehta 22/12/2009 B 136000
42562893 35.77 *
532127 Mobile Tele Communications Ltd Anil Vedmehta 24/12/2009 B 144525
42707418 35.89 *
532127 Mobile Tele Communications Ltd Anil Vedmehta 24/12/2009 B 144525
42707418 35.89 #
532127 Mobile Tele Communications Ltd Anil Vedmehta 29/12/2009 B 62138
42769556 35.94 #
532127 Mobile Tele Communications Ltd Anil Vedmehta 29/12/2009 B 62138
42769556 35.94 *
500460 Mukand Ltd Priyaradhika R Shah 29/12/2009 B 53000 0.07 194923 0.27 *
513023 Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd H B Ojha 17/12/2009 - 23/12/2009 S 200
513023 Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd H B Ojha 17/12/2009 - 23/12/2009 S 200
500307 Nirlon Ltd Mrs Mallika V Advani 22/12/2009 B 3933
621960 1.07 #
500307 Nirlon Ltd Mrs Mallika V Advani 29/12/2009 B 4294
626254 1.08 #
500307 Nirlon Ltd Mrs Mallika V Advani 30/12/2009 B 39809
666063 1.15 #
532827 Page Industries Ltd Nari Genomal 24/12/2009 S 1440
2302470 20.64 #
532827 Page Industries Ltd Nari Genomal 29/12/2009 S 1227
2301243 20.63 #
532827 Page Industries Ltd Ramesh Genomal 24/12/2009 S 1418
2302486 20.64 #
532827 Page Industries Ltd Ramesh Genomal 29/12/2009 S 1270
2301216 20.63 #
532827 Page Industries Ltd Sunder Genomal 24/12/2009 S 1286
2302897 20.64 #
532827 Page Industries Ltd Sunder Genomal 29/12/2009 S 793
2302104 20.64 #
500540 Premier Ltd Doshi Holdings Pvt Ltd 30/12/2009 B 32600 0.11 12491301 41.13 #
532735 R Systems International Ltd Suresh Kumar Bhutani --

531273 Radhe Developers India Ltd Madhuben P Patel 03/11/2009 S 239377
7251493 2.88 #
531273 Radhe Developers India Ltd Madhuben P Patel 05/11/2009 S 20000
7231493 2.87 #
531273 Radhe Developers India Ltd Madhuben P Patel 09/11/2009 S 770000
6171188 2.45 #
531273 Radhe Developers India Ltd Madhuben P Patel 30/10/2009 S 160000
7490870 2.98 #
509020 Ruchi Infrastructure Ltd Dinesh Shahra ( As Trustee of Shiva Foundation) 22/12/2009 S 500000
4505610 2.21 #
509020 Ruchi Infrastructure Ltd Dinesh Shahra ( As Trustee of Shiva Foundation) 23/12/2009 S 500000
4005610 1.97 #
509020 Ruchi Infrastructure Ltd Dinesh Shahra ( As Trustee of Shiva Foundation) 24/12/2009 S 500000
3505610 1.72 #
517059 Salzer Electronics Ltd Vishnu Rangaswamy 23/12/2009 B 101842
667787 6.49 #
526841 Shakti Press Ltd Shantanu Raghav Sharma 18/12/2009 - 22/12/2009 B 100 0.00 1943
532793 Shree Ashtavinayak Cine Vision Ltd Hiren J Gandhi 22/12/2009 S 34500
609175 0.58 #
532793 Shree Ashtavinayak Cine Vision Ltd Hiren J Gandhi 23/12/2009 S 100000
509175 0.49 #
526981 Shri Bajrang Alloys Ltd Anand Goel 24/12/2009 B 500
211485 2.35 #
523363 Sterling Holiday Resorts India Ltd S Sidharth Shankar 15/12/2009 B 232500
1032700 2.46 #
532478 United Breweries Ltd Duco Reinout Hooft Graafland --

532478 United Breweries Ltd Sijbe Hiemstra --

532746 Unity Infraprojects Ltd Sandstone Capital India Master Fund Ltd 24/12/2009 B 640000 4.32 994100
504067 Zensar Technologies Ltd Dr. Ganesh Natarajan 24/12/2009 S 7000
306673 1.28 *

521131 ANJANI FABRICS LTD. Anjani R Agarwal 30/12/2009 Acq 903791 9.51 903791 9.51 *
521131 ANJANI FABRICS LTD. Kaushalyadevi Radheshyam Agarwal 30/12/2009 Sale 2823 0.03 0 0.00 *
521131 ANJANI FABRICS LTD. Kavita Ramavtar Agarwal 30/12/2009 Sale 103500 1.09 0 0.00 *
521131 ANJANI FABRICS LTD. Purushottam R Agarwal 30/12/2009 Acq 903790 9.51 903790 9.51 *
521131 ANJANI FABRICS LTD. Radheshyam Tilokchand Agarwal 30/12/2009 Sale 1647358 17.34 0 0.00 *
521131 ANJANI FABRICS LTD. Radheshyam Tilokchand Agarwal HUF 30/12/2009 Sale 53900 0.57 0 0.00 *
527001 ASHAPURA MINECHEM LTD. Chetan Shah 30/12/2009 Acq 950000 1.20 11343814 14.36 #
527001 ASHAPURA MINECHEM LTD. Chetan Shah 30/12/2009 Acq 950000 1.20 11343814 14.36 *
503940 ASIAN ELECTRONICS LTD. Shah Investments, Financials, Developments & Consultants Pvt Ltd 24/12/2009 Sale 127714 0.43 6299024 21.08 #
532123 BSEL INFRASTRUCTURE REALTY LTD. Western Bizcon Services Ltd 24/12/2009 Sale 259700 0.32 820000 0.99 #
532123 BSEL INFRASTRUCTURE REALTY LTD. Western Bizcon Services Ltd 29/12/2009 Sale 225000 0.27 595000 0.72 #
532123 BSEL INFRASTRUCTURE REALTY LTD. Western Bizcon Services Ltd 30/12/2009 - 31/12/2009 Sale 595000 0.72 0 0.00 *
515147 HALDYN GLASS GUJARAT LTD. Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd 23/12/2009 Sale 648 0.01 562479 10.46 #
515147 HALDYN GLASS GUJARAT LTD. Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd 29/12/2009 Sale 200 0.00 560279 10.42 #
515147 HALDYN GLASS GUJARAT LTD. Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd 30/12/2009 Sale 5500 0.10 554779 10.31 *
500202 INDIA LEASE DEVELOPMENT LTD. Rajiv Gupta 24/12/2009 Acq 11900 0.11 262400 2.57 #
500202 INDIA LEASE DEVELOPMENT LTD. Ram Prakash & Co Pvt Ltd 30/12/2009 Acq 300 0.00 372096 3.64 #
532673 K.M.SUGAR MILLS LTD. Marvel Business Pvt Ltd 11/11/2009 Acq 2619 0.01 3002544 16.31 *
532673 K.M.SUGAR MILLS LTD. Marvel Business Pvt Ltd 12/11/2009 Acq 8682 0.04 3011226 16.36 *
532673 K.M.SUGAR MILLS LTD. Marvel Business Pvt Ltd 13/11/2009 Acq 300 0.00 3011526 16.36 *
532673 K.M.SUGAR MILLS LTD. Marvel Business Pvt Ltd 17/11/2009 Acq 11286 0.06 3022812 16.42 *
532127 MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. Anil Vedmehta 24/12/2009 Acq 144525 0.12 42707418 35.89 #
532127 MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. Anil Vedmehta 24/12/2009 Acq 144525 0.12 42707418 35.89 *
532127 MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. Anil Vedmehta 29/12/2009 Acq 62138 0.05 42769556 35.94 #
532127 MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. Anil Vedmehta 29/12/2009 Acq 62138 0.05 42769556 35.94 *
524654 NATURAL CAPSULES LTD. Mr L N Mundra -- Acq 3472

524654 NATURAL CAPSULES LTD. Mrs Indra Mundra -- Acq 1500

524654 NATURAL CAPSULES LTD. Mrs Radha Mundra -- Acq 646

526841 SHAKTI PRESS LTD. Shantanu Raghav Sharma 18/12/2009 - 22/12/2009 Acq 100 0.00 1943 0.05 #
532638 SHOPPER'S STOP LTD. Zodiac Pvt Ltd & Others 29/12/2009 Acq 360000

531693 SHRI GANESH SPINNERS LTD. Darshna Devi & PACs 10/11/2009 Sale 498100 9.84 29500 0.58 #
523363 STERLING HOLIDAY RESORTS (INDIA) LTD. S Sidharth Shankar 15/12/2009 Acq 232500 0.55 1032700 2.46 *
523363 STERLING HOLIDAY RESORTS (INDIA) LTD. S Sidharth Shankar 15/12/2009 Acq 232500 0.55 1032700 2.46 #
532887 SUJANA TOWERS LTD. Yalamanchili Finance & Trading Pvt Ltd 28/12/2009 Acq 3200000 7.00 4600000 10.06 #
505400 TEXMACO LTD. S B I Mutual Fund under its various schemes 24/12/2009 Acq 467871 0.37 6699786 5.27 #
524717 TITAN BIOTECH LTD. Titan Securities Ltd 18/12/2009 Acq 101 0.00 1629308 29.41 #
530045 TITAN SECURITIES LTD. Tanita Leasing & Finance Ltd 18/12/2009 Acq 10000 0.10 775000 7.73 #
530045 TITAN SECURITIES LTD. Tanita Leasing & Finance Ltd 18/12/2009 Acq 10000 0.10 775000 7.73 *
530045 TITAN SECURITIES LTD. Tanita Leasing & Finance Ltd 19/12/2009 Acq 10000 0.10 785000 7.83 #
530045 TITAN SECURITIES LTD. Tanita Leasing & Finance Ltd 19/12/2009 Acq 10000 0.10 785000 7.83 *
532746 UNITY INFRAPROJECTS LTD. Sandstone Capital India Master Fund Ltd 24/12/2009 Acq 640000 4.32 994100 6.71 *
506720 ZANDU PHARMACEUTICAL WORKS LTD. Emami Infrastructure Ltd & PACs 22/12/2009 - 24/12/2009 Sale 151553 18.79 435502 54.01 *
506720 ZANDU PHARMACEUTICAL WORKS LTD. Emami Infrastructure Ltd & PACs 23/12/2009 Acq 555636 68.90 587055 72.80 *
506720 ZANDU PHARMACEUTICAL WORKS LTD. Emami Infrastructure Ltd & PACs 23/12/2009 Acq 555636 69.90 587055 72.80 #